7 Lessons from the Bobbi Brown Master Class

22 thoughts on “7 Lessons from the Bobbi Brown Master Class”

  1. Hi ! Ive heard that using a yellow base concealer makes ur skin flawless..also that ive never tried experimenting with orange and yellow bases! Do they work?


  2. I find it tough applying foundation… I hardly wear makeup in daily life.. and whenever I apply feel I am looking weired :/ may be its about habit of not seeing myself in much makeup


    1. The best kind of makeup is the kind where it doesn’t even look like you’ve put anything on 🙂 Find the right shade of foundation, and it will just look like your own skin, but better!


      1. Agreed.. I see girls who know makeup and their skin looks flawless.. Somehow I never like makeup for those girls at major makeup brands counters.. They seems to have put on so much of makeup which actually looks scary at times


        1. very true. The girls at these counters tend to over-do it, maybe they do it in the hope that girls notice that they have makeup on, because if it looks natural – girls might end up thinking “oh I didn’t need makeup to look good!” Marketing strategy 😉


  3. Great tips…… definitely going to bookmark this……. I have oily combination skin and avoid using moisturiser oftenly but definitely going to moisturiser consistently right away….. great post…..lots of love to you


  4. I wish I could stick to a nice skin-care routine! Just stocked up on some moisturiser and night cream, but when it comes down to applying them daily (especially at night), I get lazy!

    How do you motivate yourself to moisturise twice?!


    1. Ummm…for the first time ever my skin is not an oil producing frankly. And honestly it’s looking the best it ever has, so that keeps me going! Honestly, if you manage to wash your face at night that’s half the battle won. Just add 20 seconds more and you will be done moisturising. Do make sure your face wash and moisturiser are kept next to each other – easy access!


  5. This is off topic but have you mentioned the lipstick shades you use. If not can you mention them? Some light ones and some bright ones too. Please. I love your lipsticks in the photos.


    1. I haven’t mentioned these anywhere, so here goes – I only own MAC lipsticks at the moment. Cosmo is my favourite. I use Velvet Teddy often, mixed with Pink Plaid or Brick-o-la. And I usually top it up with MAC Lipglass Lust, my favourite nude lip gloss! I often go minus lipstick though, and instead put on tinted lip balms – the chubby sticks from Clinique. Super Strawberry is my favourite, followed by Chunky Cherry.


  6. Hey,
    I completely loved these tips!
    I am a complete skin care lover though and love pampering my skin with everything natural. But one thing i can’t get enough of is lipsticks!
    I have this wonderful tip for all the lipstick lovers like me :-
    To get a smooth finish of the lipstick, scrubbing the lips is very important. Before attending any party, scrub your lips for a minute or so with a mixture of petroleum jelly and a pinch of salt. It will remove the dead skin and the flakes on your lips and reveal brighter and smooth lips.

    Geetika | geetikawalia.wordpress.com


  7. How do u get to know about these amazing events?? I would like to attend events like these and also about products which are right for my skin. Mostly I pick up worng products due to lack to knowledge and then I regrt. I think such events will help me to take right decisions.
    I will be waiting for your precious reply!!


    1. Hi Ekta! Bloggers are typically invited to such events 🙂 sometimes they are open to the public as well. I usually try and keep my readers updated about these events via social media and the blog.


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